The Miho-Dam as Cerberus
Terrifying; 2
Uniqueness; 5
Wondrous; 1
Suggestion; 4
三保ダム as ケルベロス
■ Overview
November 2022, The Miho-Dam is located in Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan. Basic background and commentary is left to wikipedia and elsewhere. I will only describe my personal impressions here. The characteristics of the dam can be summarised as follows:
- Sakau-River system, Tanzawa-lake, constructed1969 to 1978.
- Height 95m, Length 587.7m, Lake depth 39.2m
- Oddly shaped hybrid, rockfill dam + giant flood discharge.
- 酒匂川水系、上部に丹沢湖、1969着工ー1978年竣工
- 堤高95m / 堤頂長587.7m / 利用水深39.2m
- 異形のハイブリッド、ロックフィルダム+巨大洪水吐
■First Impressions
The rockfill dam has a gentle sloping core, so it left a tranquil and gentle impression, rather than the usual frightening one. One reason for this was the thick vegetation, especially in the downstream section of this embankment.
It is rare these days to see a dam without such a sense of threshold. The explanation says that it is rare to see a large flood discharge attached to the side of the dam like this. This flood discharge is special in its lower part, but at a glance it appears to be a gravity type. (Leave aside the fact that both rely on gravity.)
■Variant compositions and reasons.
Unlike building design, civil engineering design usually has a rational reason. Even if it does not go that far, there is a minimum moral that public organisations can explain to the taxpayer. The 'should' argument for building dams still goes on and on. Also, in terms of design, except for technological innovations, many irrational choices are not made because they're cool or trendy. Incidentally, when I was in charge of other people's money in an organisation, I was required to write a reason like this, in some cases, that is moral.
However, the following statements makes me confused. For example, regarding shape, the anatomist Dr Yoro doesn't know why the human body is the way it is, sometimes there is a reason, but often there is not. Comparatively, there is always some logic to what humans make (whether the sense is correct or not). If we go by this argument, then (depending on the definition of nature) natural objects ≈ in the shape of mountains and rivers have no reason, but cities and buildings are filled with human reasoning. This sentence would contradict the statement in the previous paragraph. Is it the mountains that "always have a reason" or the artificial things?
A manufactured thing is created at will; it may change its mind in the middle of the project, the project entity may change its mind, or there may need to be more money. Even organisations, when the subject is unstable or not an individual, are often anthropomorphised and treated as a single entity. It is a single person who makes decisions. Even in a multi-person group, decisions are influenced by the logic of the moment. In other words, decisions depend not just on the moods and playfulness of solids but also the group as a whole.
In comparison, there are inevitable fluctuations in what nature produces. If we look at the chaotic behaviour of the double pendulum, it is clear that even the laws of physics fluctuate with the time axis. Aerial photographs of the area around the dam site show that the river's trajectory would be pretty variable if the village office had not built the revetment. However, rain rarely flows from low to high (it occasionally does, but for different reasons.)
It is strange; both logic seems appropriate but describes the opposite idea.
■On heteromorphic hybrid forms
This seemingly oddly shaped structure reminded me of a guardian dog or a multi-faced Buddha statue. A peaceful face next to an angry face. A little research to see if there is such a thing in the specie revealed that there are no two-faced Buddha images, but there are few; there are many three-faced ones, the most famous being Asura, the three-faced Daikoku, and Shiva if we trace the origin further, to name but a few.
The left concrete part is A, the right rockfill part is Un.
The whole is dumb, there is no good or bad, it works as a whole.
(Photo from Zenrin:
The left represents the male (destruction) and the right the female (mercy), but largely represents the axis of opposition. The central face is that which transcends and unites (eternity). Depending on the sect, Shiva is usually a male deity and the one responsible for destruction among the three gods, while in other sects he is often depicted as a hermaphrodite.ムンバイ・エレファンタ島にあるシヴァ像、写真引用;wikipedia
It is also interesting to note that the rockfill section accounts for 70-80% of the area. In reality, it was stated in the archive that the discharge outlet was originally planned for the right side facing downstream, but the design was changed to the left side due to poor bedrock in the support layer. It is also said that there is no need for so many discharge outlets. It is a skeptical view, but it all appears to be an analogy of the above. (This could be called a Freudian disease.)
*At first glance, this may sound unsuitable for today's gender theory because of its mythological approach, but in that case, you can recall the anima animus and so on, or if you want, replace it as an abstract oppositional axis.
After researching and reading the topography, the composition of the impressions grasped in the 'A-Un' above changes somewhat.
This is because when connecting the 1961 pre-construction aerial photograph with the feature points during and after construction, the reason for the 'ku' becomes clear. It appears that from downstream to the leftmost point (the westernmost crest discharge) and the apex of the 'ku' was still a mountain ridge. In fact, the ridge seemed to continue a little further south. I thought this was odd because the dam embankment broke right from the car park. Normally, water pressure is applied from upstream to downstream, so arches are almost never made in the opposite direction (in fact, sometimes they are), although I thought there would therefore be some reason for this. I also understood why the lower part of the concrete section of the flood discharge was rather bulky. In other words, they did not make it thicker, but cut it down. (This becomes clearer and clearer when you look at the photos of the construction.)
Overlayed satelite picture of 1961 and 2022
A series of minor adjustments were made before and after the dam was built, and the aerial photographs were superimposed. The snarled shape of the western half of the embankment was still, as expected, the ridge line of a former mountain. In other words, the concrete discharge (pink) was made by carving out the mountain, while the yellow section was a rockfill dam on one bank, taking advantage of the former mountain, on the part of the riverbed where there was none. The rockfill has a large footprint and appears to be integrated with the yellow footprint, but a careful licking of the height on the super-terrain reveals that it is man-made.
一方、工事は、昭和49年5月起工式が行われ、迂回道路に着手し、昭和50年10月河内川の転流を開始した。最初、三保ダムは重力式コンクリートダムで設計されていたが、右岸半島部の地形、地質の条件が悪く、技術的、経済的なことから検討され、半島部の屋根上流面、すなわち貯水池に面する側に土質しゃ水壁型のロックフィルダムを築造するように変更となった。三保ダムは地震対策に、ロックフィルダム最大の地盤震度 0.2を採用し、ダムのり面を緩くし、ダム天端を広くし、ダム内外に 100個以上に及ぶ各種の観測器を設置し、ダムの挙動に対し万全を期している。なお、関連施設として、田ノ入発電所、飯泉取水堰、沈砂池、導水トンネル、浄化施設が建設された。(引用;神奈川新聞社編・発行『丹沢湖』(昭和53年)、神奈川県企業庁編・発行『三保ダム建設工事誌』(昭和56年)
In other words, in summary, 2/3 of the area was originally a mountain, which was then cut away. The part that is now covered with concrete is the mountain ridge, while the rockfill part was nothing but a man-made part with stones piled up on the riverbed. The impression of nature and man-made objects in the second impression was completely opposite.
■Summary of Whole
The dam is a bit raw, so I'll write a summary after a little more sleep, but as it is now ・It gives a strange impression -I can't rely on the impression at first sight, I thought it was A-Un, but it was A-Un -I found it in the literature, but the words didn't reach my brain *I thought that after watching the movie -The retaining wall is being constructed. It is easy to see where the mountain was if you look at the location.