1. Intro; What I should write about /起;何を書くべきか
In early autumn 2024, I visited Okutadami, located on the border between Gunma, Niigata and Fukushima prefectures in Japan. I had an interest in the area to the extent that I wanted to see it, but the direct impetus for my visit came from accompanying a friend on a business trip who was researching Antonio Raymond. It was good that I visited with that level of knowledge, but I wondered what I should focus on in writing an article about the dam or something related to it. I wrote, edited and erased articles in a prose-like manner, and I needed a ‘cut’ rather than a word count.
After visit the dam site, I could research it, and write a whole bunch of stories about it, but then someone else, or an AI, could do that more meticulously. If this is the case, what should I write again now about this well-written issue?
1-1; From your own point of view/自分視点でないと
As I have written somewhere before, if we are talking about knowledge-based information, in recent years, with the search culture and information gathering by AI, everyone has the same potential for information of a certain depth. Therefore, there may be no need for me to trace objective information.
This is because, perhaps, it was different in the past. For example, when Kukai went to the Tang Dynasty, Saicho may or may not have asked to see the sutras. Knowledge itself was probably of value. I know that in the period just before the internet, when I was born, people spent hundreds of thousands of yen to buy an encyclopaedia, and the means of acquiring knowledge was probably included in the cost. Also, after the advent of the internet and social networking, even in the last decade, for example, there has been a gradual increase in the number of youtuber channels that operate, for example, on civil engineering structures as a source of information. There is a sense that we are entering a new era in which information that used to be dealt with only in specialist magazines and national TV programmes is now being covered and disseminated by non-professionals. This phenomenon was not so common in the early days of Youtube.
As such, when it is such a well-known and old artefact, objective matters have been written about in a certain way in terms of what one can know. As for what to focus on and write about, I may rather be confronted with my own personal cut and write subjectively.
1-2; A little bit of background./一応の背景
Only basic and noteworthy matters are noted.
The dam was surveyed before the war, but construction began in response to post-war demand for electricity.
The highest dam in the Agano River system, completed in 1960 (35th year of the S60s), by Power Development Co.
Japan's second-largest water capacity and the highest gravity dam, with an embankment height of 157 m.
The largest hydroelectric power station in Japan, 560,000 kW with 3 units(S35) plus 1 generator (H15),
Difficult construction on a steep site, heavy snowfall even after completion.
・一般水力発電で国内最大、56万kw by3基(S35)+1基(H15)の発電機、
Because of the above, I would like to go on without mentioning too much about history and facts. However, what to focus on when writing an article is naturally different from writing with knowledge of the history and background (again, I had no knowledge of this issue, so it is almost a post hoc), or, on the contrary, ignoring it.
For example, any number of examples of the former can be given. The historical background at the time of planning and completion - e.g. politics, electricity, economy, or the location - Echigo Sanzan, heavy snowfall, unreachable area, downstream of the Oze. Cultural aspects, e.g. the setting of Mishima's novels and films. As I was not alive in real time, the more I look into the background of the situation around 1955, the more I will be able to write about it.
If we also mention the latter, we can first of all describe the things we see: the sign mountains, tunnels, lakes and climate. If you look at the dam itself, it is clear from the concrete surface that it is a modern but rather old property. However, if you look at the mountain surface, it looks different from usual, maybe there is a lot of snow here, and if so, the concrete will be rough... The concrete surface, which was completed in 1957, is rough due to anti-freezing agents, which is why it looks older than the concrete structures I have seen elsewhere. This is the case.
1-3;Write from this angle/ こういう切り口で書くよ
Topics that could be brushed over in the current situation are.
(ⅰ) Brutalist, crude design is cool, but this structure is not made with the motivation ‘I'm going to give it an austere flavor!’ I think it would be good to reiterate that, since the aim is not to be rough.
(ⅱ) In the novel ‘Sinking Waterfall’, written by Mishima, I understand what he is saying in part, but I don't want to get into it because it's too loud.
Tsuji,Y(2020),Antonin and Raymond in the Allied Occupation:The Japanese Household Objects Exhibition as Cultural Diplomacy,文化資源学18号,Japan
Iso,T. Yamada,S(2023),Brutalist Architecture in Japan, ISBN978-4-908406-90-4,Two Virgins, Tokyo,Japan
J-power(2022), Koide Power Station Brochure (小出電力所), J-power(電源開発株式会社), Nigata, Japan
2. Dev; Is the Okutadami-dam a Brutalism? /承;奥只見ダムはブルータルか?
At a quick glance, this dam is a very standard gravity dam. If you don't look closely, it is so plain that at a glance you can't even tell what the difference is between it and the Miyagase and Urayama dams, which are often visited in this web article. The point of this dam is rather its standardness (*1) and its unadorned appearance.
Towards the end of the visit, one of my companions said, ‘I like this dam, it's forced by its function, maybe it's brutalism’. At that time, I did not feel particularly uncomfortable and even thought, ‘Yes, I suppose that's true. Incidentally, my knowledge of and interest in Brutalist and Brutalist structures is minimal. I simply agreed that it was grey concrete and old-fashioned, and that was about the extent of it.
................................................*1; It is actually strange to put two dams that were completed at completely different times in the same year and then post hoc discuss the concept of standardization of design. It would be correct to say that the success of the Okutadami dam has determined the success of subsequent dams, namely, the 100-meter class gravity dams in Japan. For example, the Okutadami dam is different from the French-style embankment-based dam that I have written about in other columns.このダムは、パット見はごくスタンダードな重力式ダムである。よくよく見なければ、このWEB記事でもしばしば訪れる宮ケ瀬ダムや浦山ダムとパッと見では何が違うのかもわからないくらいの地味さである。このダムのポイントは、むしろそのスタンダードさ(※1)と、飾り気のない姿である。
................................................※1;完成時期が全く違うものを並べて、デザインのスタンダードさという概念を事後的に述べるのも実は変な話。この奥只見の成功が以後のダム群、即ち日本における100m級の重力式の成功を決定づけたというのが正しいところであろう。例えば、ほかのコラムで書いた、フランス式堤防ベースのダムとは違う2-1) What is the Brutalism ? / ブルータリズムとは
Brutalist architecture or Brutalism is an architectural style that emerged in the UK in the 1950s. It is based on the modernist style and is characterised by a minimalist, unadorned architectural expression - in terms of materials, function and structure. (It was also once again mooted as a style by people around Banham, in conjunction with materials and production techniques such as steel, concrete and composite materials that were finally becoming freely manipulated at the time (*As historians say, this seems to be an afterthought).
In Europe and the USA, it began to appear as an architectural style in the 1950s for a variety of uses, and declined around the 1970s. However, in other countries and regions, it has developed in its own way since then, and in recent years, the 2020s have seen a renewed interest and re-evaluation, partly due to the demolition of early buildings. (Clement Phaidon)
❷Brief history; Identification of historical sources is quite difficult, but three main ones have been mentioned.
Beton Brut (Beton ≈ concrete, Brutal ≈ raw/unprocessed) in Corbusier's late style around 1950.
Asplund's description of the ‘Uppsala houses’ in Sweden around 1940 as ‘Ny-brutalism’ (Swedish for new brutalism).
In the UK, the term apparently originated with the critic Banham's use of the term to describe the 1954 work of the Smithsons, who were trying to create a critical movement in the Col generation.
It states that the design movement, especially in the last Britain, became a style for some time, in line with the post-war British reconstruction and welfare state slogans.
These isms spread to the rest of the world. I won't go into details, but in the European sphere, the young members of Team X, Ike and Bakema. Also in North America, Marcel Breuer and his protégé Paul Rudolph. In South America, Artigas and Lina Bo Bardi from Brazil are also important authors. In Africa, Candilis, and in Asia, especially in India, Corbusier completed his architectural group. In Japan, this ism was introduced for the first time in 1955 as ‘New Beastism’ (Gakuji Yamamoto, International Architecture, 1955), and at about the same time, Maekawa, Tange, Raymond and, later, Metabolist created actual works. Thus, in the 1950s and 1960s, riding the wave of reconstruction from the world wars, this style seems to have been shared in the thinking of global architects.
❶ブルータリズム(リスト・アーキテクチャ)とは、ブルータリストによる建築、あるいはブルータリズムは英国で1950年代に発現した建築様式とされている。ザクっというならば、モダニズム様式をベースに、ミニマルで装飾を廃した建築表現ーそれは素材、機能、構造など、を特徴とする。(Iso,et.al. 2023)また、当時ようやく自由自在に操ることができるようになり始めた鉄、コンクリ、それらの複合素材などの素材・生産技術と相まって、ふたたび様式としてバンハムあたりの人によってこじつけられた(※歴史家に聞くとあとづけの整理のようだ)。
1950年ごろのコルビジェの後期作風のべトンブリュ(Beton Brut(べトン≒コンクリート、ブリュ≒ブルータル≒生の・未加工の))
2-2) Some Fallacies /いくつかの誤謬
The reasons why we believe the opinion that ‘Okutadami Dam looks like brutalism’ is mistaken are discussed below in several categories.
❶Designer perspective; the designers of this civil structure may not have considered the style. There could be a number of factors by inference: civil engineering structures are designed by several people, so it is difficult for design ingenuity to remain. Alternatively, engineers are not interested in so-called design for design's sake (although this may not be the case if they are more traditional and cultured people (see Dr Sano's case)). If the designer is still alive, you can ask him/her or his/her company, otherwise you can draw analogies from literature. However, as the source of the interview, or the material, becomes secondary or tertiary, and the person concerned is separated from the person concerned, they are plunged into the next type 2. This increases the possibility of fabrication by those who want to make interpretations and by intervening interpretations. Specifically, it is difficult to write down the facts strictly because of various fears, such as that there was nostalgia for a previous era, or that it was a historical or literary counter. Perhaps collective knowledge or machines could make it possible.
❷The objective viewpoints and interpretations of third parties are basically uncontrollable; those who do not know, or even if they do know, what the intentions were in creating something are free in principle to decide how they feel about it and interpret it, and this cannot be controlled. If I am not in the expert mode, I may have a harmless interest, such as ‘It's huge - how many tonnes of concrete is it?
But if I were a banker, I might look at it and wonder what it was built for, whether it is still working, how much it cost to build, where it borrowed money, which company built it and whether it paid for itself. If I were a farmer, I might also wonder if it was necessary to build such a dam deep in the mountains where there are no rice fields or fields (in fact, this dam is not for agricultural water, but for power generation), or if I were in a time when water was scarce, I might wonder about water rights across the prefecture. or, in times of water scarcity, water rights across prefectures.
These are just examples, but you can imagine that these supposed subjectivities are strongly influenced by education and livelihood. In this vein, I was educated as an architectural designer, so I have naturally accepted these classifications. However, different jobs evoke different feelings.
❸ What we see now is not necessarily what it was originally; The Okutadami Dam we saw this time gave a rough impression, perhaps because of its concrete surface or because it is surrounded by rugged nature. However, it is my impression after seeing the dam, which was completed half a century ago, that it would have had a smooth and beautiful concrete texture at the time of completion. To generalise this, what appeared to be a Brutalist style was misinterpreted as being the original style after more than 50 years of construction and ageing. Incidentally, there is a ‘beaten finish’ or ‘chiselled finish’, where the surface is roughened after the concrete has been neatly poured, and the Brutalists no doubt made extensive use of such finishes.
Incidentally, after concrete has been poured, there is a ‘beating finish’ and a ‘chiselled finish’, where the surface is roughed up afterwards, in order to create an acquired and almost ready-made atmosphere, which is not in accordance with the original Brutalist concept. However, there are many works classified as Brutalism that have this finish applied to them. This is also strange. It could be that the original categorisation was based on a higher concept, but later understanding failed and it simply fell into similarity of form and expression, but that is the extent of memes, or it could be that they are constantly changing.
There are examples of other man-made objects that use this phenomenon in reverse. For example, some jeans are made new, sanded and then sold as ‘damaged jeans’. In Fenollosa's terms (Jun Miura?), this may be ‘taste’, but it is a fabrication. Can taste be faked, or is it not an artificial sweetener?
Pic by Auther, the moss steaming on concrete
2-3; Brutal but not Brutalist(m) / ブルータルだがブルータリズムではない
Thinking about this matter calmly, I came to think that it is a creator's vice to take this Okutadami dam in style.
The reason for this is that the designers of the dam did not dare to express minimalism or functionalism for the sake of style, but that this was the case in the first place. It is the result of a huge project that had to be in accordance with its function. (*3)
The rough concrete skin is inevitably roughened over time due to the heavy snowfall, not (I think) a rough finish. It was not designed by white-collar designers who can afford to wield words like ‘hard-boiled’ and ‘brutalism’, but simply rough from the start, in design, materials and production. It is hot and possibly factually incorrect to think that everything is ‘made under artifice’.
Let me return to the title. Okutadami and its surroundings still retain a brutal≒rough atmosphere decades after its development. However, it is not brutal-'ism' as a style, and such literary flavour is a fallacy that has been invented in the observer's mind.
*3; I think the story of civil engineering buildings being built with landscape features in mind comes a bit further back in time. I'll look it up later.*4; There are some cases that are not disproved, but are a little disturbing. This is the presence of Antonio Raymond. As mentioned above, he was involved in the investigation of this dam as a person on the GHQ side, as he left behind a number of broadly defined brutalist architectures. However, he was involved in the site selection process, so I don't think he was involved up to the design stage, but to what extent was he influenced by it? If architectural design and civil engineering design at the time were in the hands of the same people, the basis of this argument may be shaken.
Torigoe,K(鳥越干城),(2018), Unexplored region with heavy snowfall; Okutadami Story(豪雪の秘境;奥只見物語), 奥只見電力館
Torigoe,K(鳥越干城),(2018), 'Sunken waterfall' and Okutadami Dam (「沈める滝」と奥只見ダム), 奥只見電力館
3) Turn; Occupational Illness/転;職業上のビョーキ
The above story can be understood if you go back to your office and think about it slowly, but I will try to dig up a few reasons why you might make such a mistake, even if only for a moment.
Writers have become professional idiots because they are on a journey in search of a style. I shudder at the idea of looking at things through such coloured glasses, even though I too am peering over the wall (I used to have a degree in architecture, but the work I am doing is not necessarily building work). Why have modern art and literature fallen into the disease of style and style-seeking? I would also like to discuss automation and anonymity as a counter to this.
❶Point (e.g. of a statement)
Since the story is complicated, let's assume that I am an architect. When I looked at the Okutadami Dam 70 years after its completion, it looked brutalist. However, I think that this is 70 per cent a biased mistake due to my expertise.
With the various fallacies described in the previous chapter, there is a peculiar architectural (or aesthetic) assumption that structures must be designed under an ‘ism’. Analogies such as ‘this is the ~~ school, or it must have been influenced by ~~’ are a good misreading of the observer's body of work.
First of all, this dam is not a playful ‘architecture’ created in search of a self-indulgent ism or design. Although it is classified as a civil engineering structure, a position that would put it next to other structures in university and library classifications, it is in fact quite different.
3-1; Craters become style-seeking bewildered/作家は作風探しのビョーキに
❶Architects' omochi, style search
Japanese architects are easily criticised for ‘building strange buildings for their own amusement’, and most of them say how ‘impractical’ they are to the makers of manufacturers and large organisations. It is true that, like young painters and musicians, they need to establish their own style in order to sell as an artist.
People with the old designer's temperament are used to hearing these criticisms and think nothing of them. Rather, they think, ‘What are you going to do if you make something uncool? What is noteworthy here is that there is a big discrepancy in the perception of the ‘purpose of building’ between the client, who is regarded as an amateur, and the designer, who is regarded as an expert.
~~This dichotomous idea of whether one must create something in the ~~ style or avoid the ~~ style is an unhealthy state of affairs in either case.
❷Aiming for plagiarism with good degree
When an artist is looking for a style to establish his or her own style or to create something original, the first thing to do is to copy what is currently in vogue. The next step is to do an operation in which, as you get more familiar with it, you add your own little touches. The operation has to be a good one that amateurs can manage to follow, which is what the word on the street is for up-and-coming writers. It is true that you don't want a design that is too far ahead of its time, because it is incomprehensible (*5).
Next, from the engineer's point of view, it is assumed that the technology and products developed by predecessors already exist. A diligent repairer reads and repairs the prior technology of his predecessors, or, if he is even a little bit of an engineer, he improves the weak points and redesigns the product locally. In this respect, the aforementioned act of copying is not a negative, but a reference.
If we go by these two logics, plagiarism is bound to appear.
❸Structures that have to be sick
If design is defined as a style for selling, it falls into a dichotomy of new or old ≒ trendy or not trendy, and whether or not to ride the bandwagon, or where to fall in the gradation. If the client is an early adopter, they are sensitive to trends and will accept a design that is at the cutting edge of what is popular. If the client is older or a large organisation, you are forced to take the greatest common denominator, and you need to be able to identify and make proposals that are one step ahead of the trends. The crown design at the top of the skyscrapers in the Tokyo area shows that the design motifs that were popular in Scandinavia around 2010 will take five years to reach this conservative country on the other side of the world, and about ten years to be realised.
Now to sum up. When one's main motivation is to place one's own work in this fashionable authorial context, one is forced to keep insisting on how different one's style is from others, despite the fact that it is in effect a question of where between 0 and 1 one's style should be placed. I call this byoki, and being in such a neighbourhood gives you the illusion that the world revolves around such a logic before you even know if you are ill or not.
I think this kind of self-objectification of the neighbourhood tends to occur in industries that may or may not be (strong word for strong word) artefacts, in areas of play that are not needed in a hurry. It is often said that culture flourishes in times of peace, and if designers perceive the slightest difference as their own thing and develop variations of culture algorithmically as a way of life, then that is what they should do. (I don't)
※1;香具師 (やし): 祭礼,盛り場,縁日などで客を集めて商売をする露天商人。 〈てきや〉ともいう。 ヤシの呼称の由来には諸説あるが,薬師(やくし)の〈く〉が略されたものという説がある。
4; An analogy in the foreground is the crown design atop the skyscrapers near Tokyo that have been completed one after another over the past few years. Skyscrapers were only started to be built about 100 years ago, and in fact the style (how they should be made) has not been very well established, so variations are being made like idiots, except for the functional part.Because of the short history, strange designs have sprung up frequently, which I think is very silly, even the meta-stylistic structural buildings I remember from the 1980s, which were called post-modern, are out of fashion if you look at them now. No one seems to know that the things that look cool now are the things that look the least cool.As far as I remember, a meme of a crown-like ornament created in Europe by an architect named Herzog Domoulon a few years ago has only now made its way to Japan. As I was in Europe at the time, I don't think the original was that good, but anyway I can only say that it was an ape-imitation. I don't know whether it was evolution or deterioration, but I was shown in detail the method and speed at which memes are transmitted, the motivation of young designers and many other things. Architectural designs and styles originally have no reason, they simply travel around the world based on the designer's desire to try them out. It seems to be an instinct to imitate + modify a little.
※5;It seems that this is not the case if this is only an architectural design industry byword. I happened to study the history of modern art the other day, where it was explained how Magritte's style changed over time, experimenting with different styles in his youth, such as Dali, Chirico, Cezanne and so on. This is clearly a case of the aforementioned literary illness. It means that Magritte was searching for the style that made him who he was, making every effort to stand out as a writer, whether to sell or to gain fame.
3-2; Critics Become Sick of Categorisation / 評論家は分類のビョーキ
❷ People Who Want to Classify, but Classify Artefacts
The old and good scholars often have a hobby of ‘classification’. The human intellect was born from classification, or something like that. Indeed, there are countless examples of matters that have progressed through classification and organisation, such as the classification of atoms and pharmacology. Classification is also related to generation, so there is a point to be made.
Is it possible to classify artefacts and their memes (Note 1) rather than natural objects? Would it make sense?
(1) Classification may be possible, but classification itself does not seem to be a demanded objective. It could be the same as in the past, where we dig up information on artists, artists, trends and historical backgrounds by digging through a lot of material. Alternatively, the method of tracing design memes from an evolutionary perspective is also very modern. For example, if the geometry is limited to the geometry, it is quantified in CAD and BIM, and can be classified if given a priority. It may also be possible to probabilistically display the evolution of the same artist, their relationship with other artists and the divergence of their styles, using hashtags and algorithms to show relationships.
2) I am also positive about whether it is meaningful. The style, the style, the goals of design, etc. actually differ from period to period, but are not really well known. Or the artists are so preoccupied with themselves that they don't even try to know. This poses a big problem. The question of what we design ‘for’ seems to be an unshakeable one, but it wavers quite often (once every few decades). To bring up discussions in other industries for the sake of clarity, the debate between fossil fuel engines and electric vehicles in the automotive industry, which has been under discussion since around the 2020s, is not aligned because no organisation or person can answer the capitalised questions of which is better for the planet and what the LCC (life cycle cost) is. The two are not aligned. Engineers can rush towards a goal if they have one, but they are often unable to answer these big-picture questions. At these paradigm-shifting times, a history of technology is inevitable. If the history is properly documented, a person with a certain amount of common sense may be able to determine what the situation is now.
As I mentioned above, there is certainly a need for a historiography of artefacts, and it is a job that should continue to sound the alarm about what should be done and how it should be done, but the things of everyday life and living are stronger than anything else. I think that the work of a critic living in the street is about the same as that of a gossip reporter for a weekly magazine. Most of the time, they are just meaningless articles, lantern articles to help their business, or articles about their good friends. It is an unnecessary (supportive?) economic activity that we have to do in order to survive. I can't even pick up a copy because it's an unnecessary (supportive?) economic activity. I see that in bookshops and libraries there are many unimportant books and magazines on architecture, and the situation is very oppressive. I don't know who the readers are, but it seems that narratives are required for work that doesn't make much sense.
The reason they are so pissed off with itself is because they are either very stubborn, have a weakness for the aforementioned weekly, or need the results to make their point. If that is the only way to do your job, then the only way to justify your ideas is to insist on them. So, too, for the average layperson, this is not really important, even if it is academically interesting. If you are told that this mane is called ‘Daibutsusama’, you can only think ‘huh’, but if you are told that it is actually a variant that imitates the Daibutsusama from a while ago, or that it is different because another palace carpenter from the continent appeared and built it himself, you say ‘huh’ (he is so loud!). The same is true of the other two.
Note 2: By the way, I don't know how critics and historians are trained for their profession. In the UK a long time ago, there were places to study art history, which is a completely different process from that of designers, but in the Japanese industry, I think they go through the same educational process up to the halfway point, and then somehow get separated into different laboratories, where they work in the literary and artistic fields. In recent years, there have been cases that I know of where people in the same profession, i.e. architects, critique the work of others. Now, when this happens, it is definitely inevitable that you will become a semmon idiot. This is because similar habits of thinking are ingrained.
3-3; Occupational disease or the person's karma?/職業病かその人の業か
Both the writer's and the critic's bygones, through education and daily work, strengthen their prejudices and their reactions to stimuli such as split-second judgements. I don't know whether they are reinforcing their original nature as individuals or correcting and complementing it, but I am sure that the guild is the first to warp the individual's perception.
But while creators may still be around for a while, will the profession of critic or even historian be viable in the future? It may be an overly capitalised concept, but the way in which writers, critics and scholars are supposed to be is constantly changing as we enter the information society of the 1990s and the social networking age of the 2010s. This is not the era when, for example, Hideo Kobayashi and Jiro Aoyama would go home to write manuscripts after chatting over drinks and cigarettes in Ginza, or when magazines would arbitrarily request manuscripts from supposedly knowledgeable people and reply by email on a deadline of one month later, but now it is switching over to chatting on the web. The magazines are now switching to web-based chatter. In the comment section of Yahoo Japan, commentators marked as ‘experts’ write calm opinions in one paragraph, but not in a single sentence, and the rest of the population discusses them in short sentences as if they were spinal reflexes. A unit to judge fact-checking has been set up in the social networking company or even the state, or else a machine is constantly monitoring the situation.
These, supposedly disconnected media, control whether information and things are good or bad, but in fact they are controlled by algorithms called filter bubbles. The new age of bunker must come from this area.
大文字過ぎるかもしれないが、1990年代くらいの情報化、2010年代のSNS時代に突入することで、作家も評論家も学者も、あり方がかなり変わってきているはずである。例えば小林秀雄とか青山次郎とかが銀座でくっちゃべて家に帰って原稿を書いている時代ではなく、或いは、雑誌社が任意に識者とされる人に原稿を依頼して締め切りにメールで返信する時代でもなく、いまやWEB上でのぺちゃくちゃに切り替わりつつある。Yahoo Japanのコメント欄で「識者」マークの付くコメンテーターが一段落程度で落ち着いた論調の意見を書き、その他の衆が勝手に脊髄反射のような短いセンテンスで議論する。ファクトチェックを判定する部隊がSNS運営の会社や、国家さえに設けられるか、そうでなければ機械が常に監視するようになった。いや、これらは評論というにはカジュアルに過ぎるかもしれないが、これ以上の影響力を持つ評論があるのか、とも反論できる。
3-4) The desire for automation/ オートメーションへの希求
In the course of my work, sometimes to my surprise, I get comments from outsiders asking, ‘Why do you have to be so stubborn and abolish arbitrariness?’ This may be one of the byzantines.
The fishy designs made by creatives are anyway ‘hot’ and unbearable to look at. In a manner of speaking, I should have learnt design from the golden rule of yo kyo bi. In my long search for the best design, so to speak, I am searching for what design should aim to do. For the time being, at least, I work every day with the logic of designing with performance as the criterion and the rest as untouched as possible.
❶The dream of automatic design; when you are doing performance-based design, if you have a mechanism for optimisation (automatic decision-making) in structuralist modelling and its parameter determination, you are on the road to automatic design. Automated design is usually considered from the perspective of convenience and efficiency. This area of discussion has already been described through Alexander's Pattern Language and Isozaki's installation of the project Umiichi. (ref), but it is also interesting in terms of the elimination/ or operation of the artist's arbitrariness when seen in the context of this discussion.
❷The conflict between creators and engineers; the ambition of a simple designer is, for example, to fill the world with his or her own design, or to not want to see other people's designs. If one's motivation is that one does not want to see other people's arbitrary designs, one can take up the cause of ‘this is how design should be’ with a design based on ~~, but if one also wants to get ahead as a designer as a result, then this time, without any reason, one wants to demonstrate one's arbitrariness in a dogmatic way. You want to demonstrate your arbitrariness. The ‘should’ argument collapses and a strange twist arises. Thus, it is difficult to reconcile the position of the naive creator with that of the automatic design engineer.
❸The automatic construction of language has become technically feasible: the combination of neural networks and language processing in the late 2010s made algorithms such as ChatGPT, which speaks like it, a reality. Art, music and architectural design should also become possible in the not-too-distant future if given enough food. What jobs will then be left for designers? The day is near when it will be possible to generate the same arguments about creators that the aforementioned critics do not need.
The first is along the lines that human creators will not be needed, as AI will develop to a certain extent as an automated machine, and humans will check for defects. The second is the path where human amateurs = clients ≒ users will be able to complete their own designs with the help of algorithms, so there is no need for designers to be called professionals.
4.Conclusion; Including Reflection/結;反省を含めて
4-1)Summary so far/ここまでのまとめ
The Okutadami dam is brutal, but not brutalism. The difference is two letters, but the meaning is completely different. Designers need to look at themselves in the right way. You think you are right, but your rightness is distorted. At the very least, don't force your distorted viewpoints on others.
The design of the Okutadami Dam is a mass of pure motivation, which is rare in Japan. It is a mass of functionality that has been built straight up, without regard to design, and has been covered in snow for decades, innocent and unpretentious. That is why it is the motif of the story.
4-2)My Rare sympathise with Mishima / 珍しく三島の言うことに共感した
The following description is found in Mishima's novel, which I was just reading for the interview.
[Everyone's wintering was real, - only my wintering, maybe, was fake], (p. 201, sinking waterfall).
The protagonist worked with other employees on a severe wintering at the site ≈ dam site where the dam was being built for six months. During that time, he was warming his pockets due to the management, and his words mention that his motive for volunteering to winterize was a made-up one. A few lines later, he also said that he was ‘deliberate’ compared to his grandfather. I interpreted this as the protagonist's criticism of his own fictitious motives in comparison to the people of the city, who are moving right and left with ‘real reasons’, but it was also Mishima's own ‘confession’.
In other words, everything a novelist does is fake, and he wants to act with ‘real’ feelings and reasons, just like everyone else in the city. However, it seems to me that he became aware of the pathological part of himself that could not be fulfilled and fell into a helpless state.
While harshly criticising creators for their self-direction, the blade also turns on themselves as creators. At that moment, I am unable to move an inch. Witnessing such a pure and make-up-free dumb mass, I felt as if I could share with Mishima the feeling that someone's clever talent, cloaked in intention, could be felt as if it were hot and bitter.
[みんなの越冬は本物だった、~俺の越冬だけが、もしかすると、偽物だった~], (P201,沈める滝)
*I'm going to lose the flow of the argument, so I'll just append it.
I have a personal quality of not being able to get into Mishima's works, but I guess there must be a good reason why he, with that sense of precision, took them up as so-called symbols. (Having said that, I, who lack delicacy, cannot help feeling that the Golden Pavilion cannot be an abstract symbol at all, even if this dam is not yet a symbol. The Golden Pavilion is an architecturally haphazard thing, i.e. too lame as an object to even get into the story, and I think that kind of motif choice is important).
Mishima,Y(1955), Shizumeru-Taki (沈める滝), Shincho-bunko,Tokyo, Japan