
3-4) The desire for automation/ オートメーションへの希求

In the course of my work, sometimes to my surprise, I get comments from outsiders asking, ‘Why do you have to be so stubborn and abolish arbitrariness?’ This may be one of the byzantines.

The fishy designs made by creatives are anyway ‘hot’ and unbearable to look at. In a manner of speaking, I should have learnt design from the golden rule of yo kyo bi. In my long search for the best design, so to speak, I am searching for what design should aim to do. For the time being, at least, I work every day with the logic of designing with performance as the criterion and the rest as untouched as possible.

The dream of automatic design; when you are doing performance-based design, if you have a mechanism for optimisation (automatic decision-making) in structuralist modelling and its parameter determination, you are on the road to automatic design. Automated design is usually considered from the perspective of convenience and efficiency. This area of discussion has already been described through Alexander's Pattern Language and Isozaki's installation of the project Umiichi. (ref), but it is also interesting in terms of the elimination/ or operation of the artist's arbitrariness when seen in the context of this discussion.






❷The conflict between creators and engineers; the ambition of a simple designer is, for example, to fill the world with his or her own design, or to not want to see other people's designs. If one's motivation is that one does not want to see other people's arbitrary designs, one can take up the cause of ‘this is how design should be’ with a design based on ~~, but if one also wants to get ahead as a designer as a result, then this time, without any reason, one wants to demonstrate one's arbitrariness in a dogmatic way. You want to demonstrate your arbitrariness. The ‘should’ argument collapses and a strange twist arises. Thus, it is difficult to reconcile the position of the naive creator with that of the automatic design engineer.

❸The automatic construction of language has become technically feasible: the combination of neural networks and language processing in the late 2010s made algorithms such as ChatGPT, which speaks like it, a reality. Art, music and architectural design should also become possible in the not-too-distant future if given enough food. What jobs will then be left for designers? The day is near when it will be possible to generate the same arguments about creators that the aforementioned critics do not need.


❸言葉の自動構築は技術的に可能になった。2010年代後半にdeep learning技術のくみあわせで、それらしく話すChatGPTなどアルゴリズムは現実のものとなった。アートや音楽、建築設計についても、明確なロジックと、十分な餌が与えられればごく近い期間に自動化は可能になるはずだ。そのとき、設計者は、デザイナーにはどのような仕事が残るのだろうか。先述の評論家の不要論と同じで、職業的作家(クリエイター)は不要になり、消費者がお互いにAIの助けを借りながら使うものを作るという同人的世界がすぐに来るはず。