The origin of pure spots made in Japan
⊕ It made me dream, fluttering indeed.
⊖ Nothing special, it's not a practical car, but where did Honda go?
⊕ たしかに夢を見させてくれた、ひらひら舞う
⊖ 特になし、実用車じゃないし、だけどホンダはどこに行った?
General Comment
In the 2020s, I finally got to drive it, and it was a fluttering, light car. I guess it's hard to judge it fairly unless you drive it a few times and get used to it, as the feelings and assumptions you have before you drive it are bigger than the feelings and assumptions you have.
As expected, I felt the age of the car in various places, it is also true that I felt it was not a current car, and if I were to pay tens of millions of dollars for it, I would probably get a Type R.
I drove it in Hakone, Japan, in a rented car, only for 3-4 hours, so this is not a full review, just an experience. It was a manual 5-speed, it was a rental car and I was scared to drive it because it would be a waste if I broke it.
The size of the car is not felt once you start driving. As mentioned above, the car is light. The front end is particularly light, probably due to the drive train. However, straight line stability is not as bad as in the MR-s I drove once upon a time. At very high speeds it is hard to tell. Driving information is plentiful, as described in the FTO section. For sports car enthusiasts, this is probably a must.
What bothered me was that the manual shift knob stroke was a little long and somewhat redundant, it could be tighter. Later models may have improved on this. However, I heard that the NA1 was more like a grunt than a pure sports car, so maybe that's the reason.
I don't know about the engine, as it was someone else's car and I didn't rev it. It ran smoothly at low revs, not the kind with lots of torque, and it still felt like it had a lot more to offer, but it was a bit gentle even when put into the VTEC range. I used to ride a Honda Baiku CB400, so it's not as explosive as that feeling.(It's not enough to just explode.)
Impression, and a letter to the future
The NSX has shown me many dreams, Mr.Uehara, Gan-san, Karasawa-san... the anecdotes are endless. In TV, in games and in reality, however, they are other people's dreams. At present, time is still too short to distinguish between my own dreams and those of others.
Cars, as industrial products, are partly about performance, but I am not a racer, so it is more about whether or not I can enjoy the stories, the imagery and the omens. Ordinary cars are realistic, you can buy them, worry about them, and then make them to your liking, but supercars like this may be a metaphysical existence. It's nice, isn't it?
I would like you to cherish the products of the past a little more, but polish them for the future. If I may say whatever I like from someone who has no responsibility for the company, I think other manufacturers can manage their business well. Honda's sincerity towards technology may not seem visible, but it is, so I want them to go ahead without worrying. The Honda I admire is the very image of Soichiro Honda a.k.a Oyassan, who never stops challenging himself.
■Postscript in 2023.
I had the opportunity to visit a Honda shop I hadn't visited for a while and wanted to add to the list. I hadn't checked Honda's four-wheeled vehicle line-up for a while, is it not critically less, or more unbalanced? (as of February 2023). - Standard models such as sedans, wagons, full-fledged XC and sports cars had disappeared.
My family was a Honda fan, so even in the UK, when I saw the Honda name, I would think to myself, "Oh my God, they've come a long way..." and although I didn't have many opportunities to drive, I had the impression that I had spent a lot of time with them.
1.I agree with the idea of streamlining the line-up.
I am generally in favour of narrowing down the line-up, especially as I have seen manufacturers increase the number of models like bamboo shoots during the bubble period of Japanese cars and then go broke, and in any case, as consumers, we cannot recognise individual cars name (old men don't have that much time).
In this respect, I think that the naming conventions and release mechanisms of the German and French car vendors of a century ago are excellent. The following three points are important: the line-up can be narrowed down, the brand image can be given to all models at the same time, and users can automatically buy their own successor models. In other words, if the grades are defined in advance using numbers and symbols, the name of the car can be roughly guessed from the name, even if there is no information on the katakana-based name or the class position within and outside the manufacturer at each release. It would be nice if the structure of the line-up was created first and the models were changed in order.
For example, there is a line-up of sedans, station wagons and SUVs under almost every Audi grade name. Basically, the size and class are divided in numerical order, so existing users can look for models with the same name, and if they want to change class, they can switch up or down a number, or if they want to change genre, they can switch between sedans, wagons and SUVs.
However, if we change the way of production after Industry 4, we may be able to free ourselves from such a yoke as we don't have to mass produce.
コンパクトカー_FIT, eHONDA
2. OK without a major line-up?
I wonder if Honda's current line-up is not quirky and biased. Is the company in financial trouble, or is it a Japanese manufacturer that has dropped it because Japan is no longer its main market? Even if that is the case, as a country where the company is headquartered, I would like to see Honda do a little better and have at least one model in its line-up for each car type. Now even the main models are gone. Even Nissan, which is in such a mess with management, has at least a minimum line-up (February 2023), and Toyota always tweaks its unpopular and dying line-up to make it look less lonely.
Cars that must have been sold until recently and are no longer in the line-up include the Insight, NSX, S660 and, not so long ago, the Odyssey and Legend, all of which had character, even if they didn't seem to be commercially successful. Brands that I personally felt they had to keep were the Legend, Accord, Insight, Elysion, Odyssey, CR-V, Vezel, light sports such as CRX and S2000, and K play-cars. This is not the time to be offering play cars when you don't have these mainline models, sorry, but we don't need a Honda-e or NSX.
It's an old story now, but when the Odyssey was introduced, Michel Tokudaiji Foucault joked that Honda was a minivan manufacturer, but looking at this line-up, it's nothing kidding.
3. The idea of being a specialised car manufacturer
There is another way of looking at it: if you don't want to do business as a general car manufacturer, that is one way of thinking. If you don't want to be a general car manufacturer that handles all types of car models, for example, Land Rover or Lambo, or if you want to be a manufacturer like Mitsuoka Motors, then this is the way to go. In fact, I think the Honda engine is the best of all worlds, no matter which type of car you drive.
As per the motto "The Power of Dreams", it might be good if a manufacturer that makes strange and interesting models can just exist, and if so, can we let some of the above-mentioned models endure, or will they survive by changing the concept and uncovering strange needs? I have always had some kind of attachment to manufacturers who sometimes produced core-eating products, even if they were shticky, but, from my point of view as someone who knows the good times, I feel a certain sadness.
「The Power of Dreams」という標語通り、面白い車種を作るメーカーで、存在してくれるだけいいかもしれない。換言すると、ホンダは時代に必要とされるコンセプトを探す、ニーズを掘り起こすことを主な仕事する会社で、しかもマスのエンドプロダクトも作れる、という考え方をすれば、稀有な組織でもある。
4. The Raison D'etre of Manufacturers
I am sorry to be so serious, but Honda should try to put its slogan into words. As a global company, Honda already has a corporate philosophy or slogan, "The Power of Dreams", but it may be time to take it to the next level and translate it into language.
It was written somewhere that Japanese companies tend to disregard slogans. I, for one, used to make fun of slogans like the ones written on the walls of primary schools, but now that I have become a member of a small organisation, I have to write down the motto of the organisation, or else the existence of the group as a collection of human beings will be in doubt. Leaving that aside, I would define Honda as neither Toyota nor Nissan.
'A company that destroys the concept of the car as a means of transport and reconstructs the vehicle as a personal activity and enjoyment.
'A company that creates products that demand the user's active participation in driving and operating them, and that are bought by people who want to do so for their own sake'.
This does not necessarily mean that we should make sports cars. The company is also capable of producing more high-end products, but I would like to see them take their own line, even if it means lowering the quality of their products.
(Sorry to be arrogant)
大まじめで恐縮だが、いちどその目指す目標を言語に落としてみればいいとおもう。ホンダはすでに「The Power of Dreams」という企業理念というかスローガンを持っているが、もう一段階、かみ砕いて言語化するひつようがあるのではないだろうか?トヨタでもなく、日産でもなく、という意味で、私なりのホンダのイメージは、「移動手段としてののりものではなく、パーソナルな行為と楽しみとして、のりものを再構築する。したがって、ユーザーに運転や操作について積極的な参加を要求する、それ自体が目的の人に買ってもらう商品を作る」となる、旧いかもしれないが願望も含めて。