Programmable Architecture
-Towards Human Interactive, Cybernetic Architecture-
Kensuke Hotta, Architectural Association School of Architecture
プログラマブル アーキテクチャ
堀田憲祐, 英国建築協会建築学校
Chapter 4 Architectural Design Proposal
第4章 PAを体現する、建築デザイン例の提案
4-1. Introduction
This chapter introduces the philosophy of Programmable Architecture (PA). The developed architectural model, a flexible kinetic-tensegrity structure, provides one approach to PA, but the number of possible solutions is countless. The author does not think that there is one optimal solution for PA, but rather it needs to combine local decisions for each of its operations or programmes. Thus, there are better answers than the proposed solution for PA, neither in terms of component design with regards to its global design in relation to the site. Rather than searching for the best design operating in its optimal state, the principle of PA offers an alternative design strategy. This system should be seen as a dynamic architectural product that is able to answer different user requirements deploying other solutions in each circumstance where it is implemented (built/introduced). It has the capacity to be developed using a variety of locally available materials at different scales and within varying budgets.
4-1. 序論
4-2. Space Reconfiguration
As an assumption, it is set that every activity which contributes to all the actions which make up daily life, is determined by a set of environmental conditions. From this hypothesis, reductionistic environmental parametricism is now introduced. If this hypothesis is to some degree true, activities become easier to control by adjusting environmental parameters. It becomes possible to reconfigure activities through environmental reductionism. For example, in this figure, a space (5m x 5m) in the park is bisected (sectioned), and its environmental conditions, such as light, air quality and flow, temperature and sound, are analysed layer by layer. Some environmental layers such as light are measured using scalar units such as the illumination level, while other layers, such as the airflow layer use vectors to describe wind direction and turbulence. When this data is analysed and displayed as a grid over the site, it becomes possible to reconfigure the space by adjusting the overlaid environmental factors.
4-2. 空間の再構成