20250310_Okutadami-Dam Ver0.99
In early autumn 2024, I visited Okutadami, located on the border between Gunma, Niigata and Fukushima prefectures. I had an interest in this famous property and wanted to see it someday, but the direct impetus for my visit came from accompanying a friend on a business trip who was researching Antonio Raymond. It was a good thing that I visited the site with that level of interest, but I was thinking about what I should focus on in writing an article about the dam or something related to it.
After the visit, I could do some follow-up research and write up a whole bunch of stories about it, but then someone else or an AI could do that more meticulously. If this is the case, what should I write again now about this issue that has been written about so thoroughly? I've spent months writing and cutting prose, but the point is that I need an ‘angle’, not a word count.
The 17th Myojin Tunnel was dug from both sides, so there are places where the tunnels are connected by a wild goose chase, which shows how hard manual labour was used to complete the work.
But it's scary, ghosts appear near water. But if you are a person who died in the line of duty, I feel sorry to call it a ghost. A total of 1.8 million people (!) took part in the construction work. participated and 44 people are missing, visited the monument.
1-1; From your own point of view/自分視点でないとな
As I have written somewhere before, in recent years, anyone has the potential to acquire a certain amount of information through internet searches and information gathering by AI. Therefore, there may be no need for ‘me’ to trace objective factual information. In the first place, I am not a specialist, so I simply don't know about it.
I write this again because I think it was probably different in the past. For example, when Kukai went to the Tang Dynasty, Saicho may or may not have asked to see the sutras. The Buddha himself said that enlightenment is not knowledge, but knowledge itself must have been of value.
I speak from the period I know. My parents have an encyclopaedia, which I was told cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy. Someone other than me would collect, compile, print, sell and deliver the information. In other words, in addition to the information itself, the cost probably includes all the means of obtaining it. I don't know whether it was capital, oil or business power, but those comprehensive mechanisms made it affordable to the average person.
I probably don't need to write about this again, but the next epicentre will be the advent of the internet. The cost of going to the library, searching the literature, doing interviews, and making a living from it, but the cost of verifying authenticity has gone up, I think. When I became a junior high school student, the tools that were not available when I was in primary school exploded. Each generation's experience must be a little different, my generation is different, strictly speaking, from the generation where the internet emerged after establishing that it could be found in literature. Of course, it is also different from the generations even younger.
In the last five years, channels that focus on specialist knowledge have emerged and depending on the subject matter; there has been an increase in coverage with a depth comparable to that of documentaries on national broadcasters in various countries. For example, there are channels that cover dams, and there will probably be more and more programmes that feature architecture, etc., one after another. I think this has been the case for the past three years. I feel that we are entering a new era in which relatively specialised information that used to be covered by academic societies, specialist magazines and, if available, educational programmes is now being covered and disseminated by non-professionals. This phenomenon was not so common in the early days of social networking. (*1)
Because of this, the case, which is such a well-known and old artefact that it ranks with the Kurobe Dam and others, has been written up to a certain point in terms of what people can know and objective matters unless it is very first-hand information. In the scholarly (literary? artistic?) In the scholarly (literary?) world, a third-party perspective is considered good manners, but once someone or a machine does that, the job is done. As for what to pay attention to in writing, I think it is changing so that I am required to write subjectively, from my own personal angle. (*2)
*1; I feel that the change in the seriousness of these contents is due to the fact that the operator (google) has changed to a system that generates revenue. Making money has a cash meaning, but it also generates the enthusiasm of people who want to make a living from it, and society is a complex place.
*2; I still don't understand what motivates people to do sparkling social networking, is it that they want to say that they are doing the same thing as other people, or that they are different from other people? No, it could be both.
1-2; A Little Bit of Background./一応の背景
Only basic and noteworthy matters are noted.
The dam was surveyed before the war, but construction began in response to post-war demand for electricity.
The highest dam in the Agano River system, completed in 1960 (35th year of the S60s), by Power Development Co.
Japan's second-largest water capacity and the highest gravity dam, with an embankment height of 157 m.
The largest hydroelectric power station in Japan, 560,000 kW with 3 units(S35) plus 1 generator (H15),
Difficult construction on a steep site, heavy snowfall even after completion.
・一般水力発電で国内最大、56万kw by3基(S35)+1基(H15)の発電機、
Because of the above, I would like to go on without mentioning too much about history and facts. However, what to focus on in writing an article is naturally different if you write with knowledge of the history and background or, on the contrary, if you ignore it. (I had no knowledge of this discussion either, so it is almost an ex post facto collection).
For example, there are many examples of the former. As mentioned above, the historical background at the time of planning and completion - e.g. politics, electricity and economy, or the location - Echigo Sanzan, heavy snowfall area, unreachable area, downstream of Oze. Cultural aspects, e.g. the fact that it has been the setting for films and novels. The more I research the history and background of the area, the more I will write about it. The more I research their history and background, the more I will be able to write about them, because the situation around 1955 was something I did not know in real time. If I were to mention the latter, I would first of all mention the things I saw. The approach to the site, the mountains, tunnels, lakes and climate. The dam itself is clearly a modern but rather old property if you look at the concrete surface.
1-3; Write From This Angle/ こういう切り口で書くよ
Topics that could be brushed over in the current situation are.
(ⅰ) Brutalist, crude design is cool, but this structure is not made with the motivation ‘I'm going to give it an austere flavor!’ I think it would be good to reiterate that, since the aim is not to be rough.
(ⅱ) In the novel ‘Sinking Waterfall’, written by Mishima, I understand what he is saying in part, but I don't want to get into it because it's too loud.
2. IS THE OKUTADAMI A BRUTALISM? /奥只見ダムはブルータリズムか?
At a quick glance, this dam is a very standard gravity dam. If you don't look closely, it is so plain that at a glance, you can't even tell what the difference is between it and the Miyagase and Urayama dams, which are often visited in this web article. The point of this dam is rather its standardness (*1) and its unadorned appearance.
One of my companions commented that ‘this dam is good, it is powerful and brute force, with a strong focus on its function’. At that time, I agreed with him without feeling any particular discomfort. Incidentally, my knowledge and interest in brutalist and brutalist structures is almost non-existent. I only agreed that it was indeed a rough, old-fashioned concrete structure. In other words, I thought it was brutalist in a naive way.
*1; It is actually strange to put two dams that were completed at completely different times in the same year and then post hoc discuss the concept of standardization of design. It would be correct to say that the success of the Okutadami dam has determined the success of subsequent dams, namely, the 100-meter class gravity dams in Japan. For example, the Okutadami dam is different from the French-style embankment-based dam that I have written about in other columns.
2-1) What is the Brutalism ? / ブルータリズムとは
❶Brutalism/Brutalist Architecture/New Brutalism is considered to be a Brutalist architectural and building style. It emerged in Europe and particularly in the UK in the 1950s (*1). It is considered to be an expression of a minimalist, unadorned architecture based on the modernist style, but if one follows the original source, it is rather a comprehensive ism of philosophy that spans plan, material, function and structure (Iso et al. 2023). In the background was the post-war reconstruction in the UK, which I interpret as the public demand for social housing, which also stopped rationalism, combining simple planning with efficient production methods. In addition, the use of steel and concrete, which at that time were beginning to be freely manipulated, combined with the construction methods used in those buildings, led to an expansion in aesthetics, as summarised by Rainer Banham, a writer for the Architectural Review magazine at the time. (*2)
The details are left to the experts, but it is reported that this style of architecture appeared in Europe and elsewhere in the 1950s for a variety of purposes and was replaced by other styles around the 1970s when it went out of fashion. However, since then, other countries and regions have developed their own styles, and the recent demolition of early buildings in the 2020s has led to a renewed interest in and re-evaluation of the style. (Clement Phaidon, 2018)
(*This may be added later.)
1; Incidentally, I had a discussion with a historian about the difference between Brutalism and New Brutalism, but I didn't really understand it. I could not understand the difference so well that I thought Banham might have named it for his own movement around 1955, for convenience.*2; It seems to be an afterthought arrangement, according to the historian. If you do some research, you will find that Banham's boss, Richard something or other, wrote a proper book earlier than that. The stream of rationalism and functionalism has existed since the architectural movement of the early 1900s.
❶ブルータリズムとは、ブルータリストによる建築および建築様式とされている。欧州を中心に1930~1950年代に発現した(※1)。それはモダニズム様式をベースに、ミニマルで装飾を廃した建築の表現とされているが、原典をたどるとむしろそれは平面、素材、機能、構造などに渡る哲学の総合的なイズムである(Iso,et.al. 2023)。
第一次のモダニズムののちの「ブルータリズム」は、Architectural Reviewのライターである、J・M・リチャーズあたりのクリティークが1930年代にCIAMあたりの活動とともにまとめている。(REF)そして第二次は時を経て1950年代にもう一度後輩のR・バンハムはそのリバイバルとして、構法、即ち生産の視点を加えてニューブルータリズムという概念をまとめたようだ(Banham,1966)。私の読んだ限りの資料では、前者は美学的な意味においての利休的価値観の転換、後者は構法までに話を進めていると理解している。
このように欧州を中心にでは1950年代からさまざまな用途の建築様式として登場し、1970年代ごろにはほかの様式にとってかわられ、下火になったとある。しかしそれ以降も、他国や地方では独自の展開を見せている。2020年代の近年では、初期の建物の取り壊しなどの時期にもあたることもあり、再注目ならびに再評価の流れがある。(クレメント・ファイドン, 2018)詳細は専門家に任せる。
❷Definition of Brutalism/New Brutalism; Now, to answer the question of whether Okutadami Dam is Brutalism/Brutalism, it is indeed necessary to define what constitutes the ism known as New/Brutalism. Sir J.M. Richards' definition has not yet been found. Although it has not yet been found, Banham, in his article AD (AD, 1955), stated the following three necessary conditions for New Brutalism.
1. Memorability as an Image (readability of the plane)*1
2. Clear Exhibition of Structure
3. Valuation of Materials 'as Found'
If we look at his example of the Hunstanton School (Smithson 1954), it certainly fulfils all three of the above options. In other words, it seems to be a necessary condition for AND. Incidentally, there are many original definitions in the later Brutalism Readers, among which most of them satisfy one of these. In other words, it is (New) Brutalism if the element of using the material as it is in condition 3 can be seen! But if you read the source carefully, you will see that there is more to it than that. Now, these multiple requirements are certainly true when applied to this dam. However, as he calls it ‘warehouse-aesthetics’, a working structure, such as a dam, is a structure that is the goal of this ism. Therefore, it is somewhat misleading to categorise this as an architectural concept.
///////////////////////////////*1; Incidentally, the term ‘image’ is used in a rather specific way. It seems that the abstract concept of image emerged as a concept, whereas in the context of painting and sculpture, everything was a unique object. For more information, please study the specialist literature.
❷ブルータリズム/ニューブルータリズムの定義; さて、奥只見ダムはブルータル/ブルータリズムか、という問いに答えるには、さすがにニュー/ブルータリズムと言われるイズムを構成する定義をしておかなければならない。Sir.J・M・リチャーズの定義はまだ見つけられてはいないが、バンハムはADのアーティクル(AD,1955)の中でニューブルータリズムの必要条件を以下の3点と述べた。
1. 記憶に残るイメージ(平面の可読性)※1
2. 明示的に表現された構造
3. もともとの素材の特性をそのまま使用する
さて、これらの複数項目の必要条件は本ダムに当てはめると確かにそうである。しかし、かれが「Warehouse-aesthetics (倉庫の美学)」といったように、はたらく構築物であるダム等はこのイズムが目標とした構築物である。よって、建築学のコンセプトであるこれに分類するのはややずれることがわかる。
※1;ちなみに'image'という言葉は、やや特殊な使われ方をしている。絵画、彫刻の文脈においてはすべてがユニークなモノであったのに対して、抽象的概念のイメージが概念として出現したらしい。詳しくは専門の文献で勉強して下さい。2-2) Some Fallacies /いくつかの誤謬
I'll start by writing a doozy on why I think the idea that the Okutadami Dam looks like Brutalism is precisely a misconception. Brutalism/New Brutalism is a design theory within architecture that architecture, like machines and civil engineering structures, should be designed rationally and without style. Therefore, the Okutadami Dam, a civil engineering structure, is a thing on the targeted side. Therefore, it is not a thing designed according to an ism.
The stories related to this are also discussed in several categories.
❶Designer perspective; the designers of this civil structure may not have considered the style. There could be a number of factors by inference: civil engineering structures are designed by several people, so it is difficult for design ingenuity to remain. Alternatively, engineers are not interested in so-called design for design's sake (although this may not be the case if they are more traditional and cultured people (see Dr Sano's case)). If the designer is still alive, you can ask him/her or his/her company, otherwise you can draw analogies from literature. However, as the source of the interview, or the material, becomes secondary or tertiary, and the person concerned is separated from the person concerned, they are plunged into the next type 2. This increases the possibility of fabrication by those who want to make interpretations and by intervening interpretations. Specifically, it is difficult to write down the facts strictly because of various fears, such as that there was nostalgia for a previous era, or that it was a historical or literary counter. Perhaps collective knowledge or machines could make it possible.
❷The objective viewpoints and interpretations of third parties are basically uncontrollable; those who do not know, or even if they do know, what the intentions were in creating something are free in principle to decide how they feel about it and interpret it, and this cannot be controlled. If I am not in the expert mode, I may have a harmless interest, such as ‘It's huge - how many tonnes of concrete is it?
But if I were a banker, I might look at it and wonder what it was built for, whether it is still working, how much it cost to build, where it borrowed money, which company built it and whether it paid for itself. If I were a farmer, I might also wonder if it was necessary to build such a dam deep in the mountains where there are no rice fields or fields (in fact, this dam is not for agricultural water, but for power generation), or if I were in a time when water was scarce, I might wonder about water rights across the prefecture. or, in times of water scarcity, water rights across prefectures.
These are just examples, but you can imagine that these supposed subjectivities are strongly influenced by education and livelihood. In this vein, I was educated as an architectural designer, so I have naturally accepted these classifications. However, different jobs evoke different feelings.
❸ What we see now is not necessarily what it was originally; The Okutadami Dam we saw this time gave a rough impression, perhaps because of its concrete surface or because it is surrounded by rugged nature. However, it is my impression after seeing the dam, which was completed half a century ago, that it would have had a smooth and beautiful concrete texture at the time of completion. To generalise this, what appeared to be a Brutalist style was misinterpreted as being the original style after more than 50 years of construction and ageing. Incidentally, there is a ‘beaten finish’ or ‘chiselled finish’, where the surface is roughened after the concrete has been neatly poured, and the Brutalists no doubt made extensive use of such finishes.
Incidentally, after concrete has been poured, there is a ‘beating finish’ and a ‘chiselled finish’, where the surface is roughed up afterwards, in order to create an acquired and almost ready-made atmosphere, which is not in accordance with the original Brutalist concept. However, there are many works classified as Brutalism that have this finish applied to them. This is also strange. It could be that the original categorisation was based on a higher concept, but later understanding failed and it simply fell into similarity of form and expression, but that is the extent of memes, or it could be that they are constantly changing.
There are examples of other man-made objects that use this phenomenon in reverse. For example, some jeans are made new, sanded and then sold as ‘damaged jeans’. In Fenollosa's terms (Jun Miura?), this may be ‘taste’, but it is a fabrication. Can taste be faked, or is it not an artificial sweetener?
Pic by Auther, the moss steaming on concrete
2-3; Brutal but not Brutalist(m) / ブルータルだがブルータリズムではない
Thinking about this matter calmly, I came to think that it is a creator's vice to take this Okutadami dam in style.
The reason for this is that the designers of the dam did not dare to express minimalism or functionalism for the sake of style, but that this was the case in the first place. It is the result of a huge project that had to be in accordance with its function. (*3)
The rough concrete skin is inevitably roughened over time due to the heavy snowfall, not (I think) a rough finish. It was not designed by white-collar designers who can afford to wield words like ‘hard-boiled’ and ‘brutalism’, but simply rough from the start, in design, materials and production. It is hot and possibly factually incorrect to think that everything is ‘made under artifice’.
Let me return to the title. Okutadami and its surroundings still retain a brutal≒rough atmosphere decades after its development. However, it is not brutal-'ism' as a style, and such literary flavour is a fallacy that has been invented in the observer's mind.
*3; I think the story of civil engineering buildings being built with landscape features in mind comes a bit further back in time. I'll look it up later.*4; There are some cases that are not disproved, but are a little disturbing. This is the presence of Antonio Raymond. As mentioned above, he was involved in the investigation of this dam as a person on the GHQ side, as he left behind a number of broadly defined brutalist architectures. However, he was involved in the site selection process, so I don't think he was involved up to the design stage, but to what extent was he influenced by it? If architectural design and civil engineering design at the time were in the hands of the same people, the basis of this argument may be shaken.
The above story can be understood if you go back to your office and think about it slowly, but I will try to dig up a few reasons why you might make such a mistake, even if only for a moment.
❶Main purpose; When I looked at the Okutadami Dam 70 years after its completion, it did indeed look brutalist architecture. However, I believe that this is 70 per cent a misperception, biased by professionalism. The various fallacies described in the previous chapter led to the reaction of an architectural (or aesthetic) bencher that the structure must have been designed under an ‘ism’. Analogies such as ‘this is the ~~ school, or it must have been influenced by ~~’ are made, but they are misreadings of the observer, an over-learned condition. Perhaps the dam is not a building that was considered in search of a self-indulgent ism or design. Civil engineering stands alongside architecture in the academic classification, but it is actually quite different.
Creaters are on a journey in search of a style, which makes them professional idiots. I shudder again to realise that although I am a bit removed from professional architects, I still look at things with a certain amount of coloured glasses. Why does modern art and literature fall prey to the disease of style and style-seeking? I would also like to touch on automation and anonymity as a counter to this.
❶主旨; 竣工後70年の奥只見ダムを見ると、たしかにちらっとブルータリズムに見えた。ただしこれは7割方、専門性ゆえにバイアスのかかった、見間違いであると思う。前章で書いたような様々な誤謬で、構造物は「イズムのもとに設計されているに違いない」という、建築学(あるいは美学)をベンキョーした人の反応をしてしまった。「これは~~派だ、とか~~の影響を受けているに違いない」などといった類推がなされるが、観測者の誤読であり、過学習状態である。おそらく、このダムは気ままなイズムや意匠を探して検討された建築物ではない。
3-1; Craters Become Style-seeking Bewildered/作家は作風探しのビョーキ
The other day, I had a revelatory experience when I happened to learn more about the evolution of Magritte's style as a young painter. When I unpacked her early works, I found that she experimented with various styles, such as Dali, Chirico and Cézanne, which were the fashionable styles at the time. To put it simply, Magritte made all kinds of stylistic efforts in order to make a name for himself as a writer, and he was searching for a style that would make him who he was. In other words, he thought he had a unique style, but it was fake. Witnessing this pathological literary activity, I was struck once again by how similarly structured the world of architectural design is, as I have long felt.
In the search for a creator's style, architects are often criticised for ‘making strange things’. It is true that, like painters and musicians, they need to establish their own style in order to make a name for themselves as writers. Budding artists start their careers by copying things from the street, and as they become more adept at it, they add a little of their own touch. In business, if the client is a so-called early adopter, you need to be able to make proposals that are at the cutting edge of fashion, and if they are in the late majority, you need to be able to spot and make proposals that are half a step ahead (see innovator theory for terminology). It then falls down to the art of how to get in or out of it. The job of the up-and-coming trendsetter is, in fact, to read the air casually, as he or she has to be able to understand what is in vogue while keeping an eye on the customer's face (*1).
Reading too much into the air will inevitably lead to a narrowing of vision and the illusion that the world revolves around such a logic. It is often said that culture flourishes in times of peace, but in such times, writers will perceive the slightest difference as if it were their own and will strive to produce many variations within the framework of their work. In such a situation, everyone in the literary world forgets what they were doing in the big flow of things, or they don't know it to begin with.
I was away from Japan for less than ten years, but as an outsider, I was interested in the propagation of memes and their practical interpretation when I saw the designs of the skyscrapers that are randomly popping up around Tokyo (*2). In other words, I can see dozens of examples where the designers wanted to do something like this but did not have the words to explain it well to their outsider clients and settled (fell into) this kind of compromise between trendy motifs and reality (*3).
Now, this is where the structure of having to be ill comes in. In other words, if you think you are talking about technology, you are doing literary work, but somehow, you also have to do business. If you prioritise narrative, you neglect technology and commerce, and vice versa. Over-adaptation leads to localised competition over trivial differences. This leads to a large number of people who make up stories that don't add up, like it's their job to do so, and they are very noisy (*4).
*1; There is a line often uttered by Menco Yoro in ridicule of the unthinking slogan ‘Cherish your individuality’. Individuality will put you in the hospital. Or it is wearing on you that you will be in trouble if you really show your individuality, because being able to communicate in a language is an act of losing individuality and adapting the rules of a common and understandable language to each other.
*2; An analogy in the foreground is the crown design atop the skyscrapers near Tokyo that have been completed one after another over the past few years. Skyscrapers were only started to be built about 100 years ago, and in fact the style (how they should be made) has not been very well established, so variations are being made like idiots, except for the functional part. Because of the short history, strange designs have sprung up frequently, which I think is very silly, even the meta-stylistic structural buildings I remember from the 1980s, which were called post-modern, are out of fashion if you look at them now. The people involved don't realise that the things they think look cool now are the things that look the least cool. As far as I remember, a meme of crown-like ornaments created in Europe by an architect called Herzog Oak a few years ago has now made its way to Japan, where it has been cooked up in a Japanese style and is now lined up in a row. Ape imitation? I don't know whether it is evolution or degradation, but I was shown in detail the method and speed at which memes are transmitted, the motivation of young designers, and many other things. Architectural designs and styles originally have no reason, they just go around the world based on the designer's desire to try them out. It seems to be an instinct to imitate + modify a little.
*3; Yashi: street traders who gather customers at festivals, festivals and fairs to sell their wares. Also called ‘tekiteiya’. There are various theories as to the origin of the name ‘yashi’, but one theory is that it is an abbreviation of ‘ku’ in the word ‘yakushi’ (medicine man).
*4; Actually, however, it is an open secret among designers that the reason is not whether the product sells or not, but whether they want to try it anyway, which is a stupid reason. If you honestly say, ‘I want to try this,’ I'll be like a butterfly flying over the plateau...
※4;香具師 (やし): 祭礼,盛り場,縁日などで客を集めて商売をする露天商人。 〈てきや〉ともいう。 私としては、バナナを売ろうとも思わないし、いくらであろうと問題ない。もし買うなら少々高くても農家から買いたい。まちで香具師を見ると角を曲がるようにしている。
3-2: Where the Disease is From? /ビョーキはどこから来るのか
The Creator's sick; is this the original nature of the individual, or does the environment correct the personality? At the very least, the latter can be explained by the mechanism of reinforcement learning if the model logic of a neural network is used. Through the repetition of tasks, the pattern of response to stimuli is strengthened. In other words, there is no doubt that guilds distort individual perceptions.
In addition, the scholar D. Riesman presented the concept of society's influence on individual character in terms of ‘social character. As I have already quipped about writers, in a simmering society, they become ‘other-oriented’, i.e. the design to be is not the ethics, but the ethics of conforming to the other person's face. However, that may be fine if the people you are working with are human beings (*1). According to him, the reasons for this are that people come to value the logic of their peer group rather than traditional ethics and the influence of the media. Similarly, the critics will be operating in the same social environment (stage), so they may become critics for the sake of communication rather than scholars or rebellious journalists searching for universal truths. (*2, 3) This area of discourse is a fitting commentary on the pathology of the sick embedded in the industry, I feel.
After all, in a social stage like the present, people who are good at ‘adapting’ appear and over-adapt towards meaningless things because they have no time. Japan, for example, is geographically and linguistically isolated, so Galapagosisation can easily progress. Come to think of it, the original Galapagos was also an island. It can be said that there are no specifications because it is certain that this is called culture, but for me personally, if I am going to study, I am looking for the romance of universality.
Note 3; However, things like daily life are stronger than anything else. I think that the work of a critic living in the street is the same as that of a gossip reporter for a weekly magazine. Most of the time, they are reduced to meaningless articles, or lantern articles that help their business, or articles about their good friends. It is an unnecessary (supportive?) economic activity that has to be done in order to survive. It is an unnecessary economic activity that we have to do in order to survive. I see that in both bookshops and libraries, unimportant books and magazines on architecture are dominating the section, and it is very overwhelming. I don't know who the readers are, but if it sells, it can't be helped. If we give a reason for the phenomenon, it seems that narratives are required for work that doesn't make much sense.
Good boys and girls on Easter Island perished because they had too many joke contests on the moai. (Theories abound.) Creators have to stop playing with showing off their creativity at the right time.
3-3) Is critique of artefacts necessary?/ 人工物の批評って必要か?
❶Classical taxonomy, and a classification of artefacts
Classification’ is often a hobby for old-fashioned scholars. The human intellect was born from classification or something like that. Indeed, there are countless examples of matters that have progressed through classification and organisation, such as the classification of atoms and pharmacology. Classification is also involved in generation, so there is a point. A good example of this is, for example, the definition of natural history,
Natural history is the science of thoroughly recording and organising the types and properties of animals, plants, minerals and other natural objects. These records deduce the laws governing nature, such as evolution and the formation of rocks and stars. In English, it is called natural history.’ (Quotation, Kyoto University)
and for this purpose classification and organisation must be rigorous. This is because the main purpose is to investigate the laws that flow in the background.
Let us now discuss the act of classifying artefacts, rather than natural history or natural science. Artefacts have an author, with/without intention, with/without a technological yoke. Or there are deadlines, such as the aforementioned budget and time. (If humans were defined as natural objects, this might also be natural history, but this would be simplified and not included because it would make the discussion more difficult).
「博物学とは、動物・植物・鉱物などの自然界に存在するものについて、種類や性質を徹底的に記録し、整理していく学問だ。 その記録をもとに、進化や岩石・星の形成などの自然を支配する法則について推理していく。 英語ではナチュラル•ヒストリーという。」(引用・京都大学)
❷ Is a critique of artefacts necessary?
Is it then impossible to categorise and organise artefacts and their memes (Note 1)? Is it meaningful or significant?
(1) classification may be possible, as it has been in the past, by uncovering information on artists and authors, trends, and historical contexts. Alternatively, the process can be set aside and only the results classified. The method of tracing design memes from an evolutionary standpoint is also quite contemporary. For instance, if the geometry is confined to the information quantified in CAD, it may be feasible to classify it by assigning it a priority. I believe it is possible to display probabilistic information such as changes within the same artist, relationships with other artists, divergence in style, or classification by budget, perhaps utilising hashtags or algorithms to illustrate these relationships. While drawing parallels with biology, differences should also surface, rendering it an intriguing field of study. Furthermore, as previously mentioned, analysis is also intertwined with generation, and it will soon be demonstrated that it can lead to the generation of styles. However, classification itself does not appear to be a sought-after objective. The primary demand is for literary value, or narratives, derived from analysis and classification.
2) I am positive, except with regard to the presence or absence of meaning/significance. In fact, it is not well known that the goals of design change frequently. Artists are so preoccupied with themselves that they don't even try to know. The question of ‘what’ to design for seems to be a universal one, but it wavers quite often (once every few decades). This can cause big problems if it gets out of hand.
For the sake of clarity, I bring up other industry discussions. I will cite the design of car grilles, which I have shown in other articles. Grilles originally emerged with the function of air intakes for internal combustion engines, but they have undergone a dizzying transformation since then. Racing car designs needed to suck in large amounts of air to cool their high-performance engines, and later this necessity became a sign of high performance (reversal of cause and effect). Thereafter, common motifs were often used for the grille and headlights due to their prominent position at the front and to fix the car manufacturer's brand image, which became an icon of quality assurance (branding). Also, during this transitional period, when the power source was being replaced by the motor instead of the engine, the design was often dragged and converted directly from the old engine due to its prominent location (icon and functional skeletonisation).
Engineers can rush towards a goal if they have one, designers know what looks good even if it doesn't make sense, and users will pay for what they can find value in society even if it doesn't make sense. No one is interested in the correctness of capital letters. Thus, at a time of paradigm shift every ten years or so, a history of technology and literature is inevitable. If the history is correctly documented, then anyone with a modicum of common sense may be able to determine what the situation is now. In this sense, I would like to conclude that historiography and critique of artefacts are necessary.
Note 1: One thing to note is that the natural sciences and the humanities are often confused with each other, even though they have different objects of observation. For example, the study of classifying insect species and the study of organising architectural styles/histories may seem to be similar classification tasks, but in fact the objects are different. The former is a natural object and the latter is an artefact. (Insects (putting aside ID and occult theories) do not reduce or increase their species by their own intention or that of someone else, whereas architectural design is the creation of objects by an entity with an intention and according to some motivation. The difference between these categories of ‘objects’ is, in Dawkins' words, the phenotype of the gene and the meme. Surprisingly, there are similarities, and analogies can be drawn between them, but it is important to be aware that they are originally quite different.❷アーティファクトの評論は必要か?
4-1)Summary so Far/ここまでのまとめ
The Okutadami dam is brutal, but not brutalism. Those are two different letters, but the meaning is 180 degrees different. The social situation and demand were the same post-war reconstruction, but it did not ‘become’ so because of ism; it just ‘was’ so. Brutalism, in the sense of fashion, pretends to be brutal, although this is not the case when the original is handed down. If the writer touches it with the slightest intention, the roughness becomes just deliberateness. Writers should take a good look at their own impudence. And remember that casualness and deliberateness are both deliberate.
If you look up the Okutadami Dam itself, you will find a lot of hot and heavy talk, but its design ‘seems’ to be a mass of unadulterated simplicity. It is a mass of functionality, without any regard for design, just straight up, innocent, without decoration, repeatedly appearing and disappearing in the snow year after year and roughing up your skin. The lack of casualness is also understandable as to why it makes writers' hearts flutter.
Nevertheless, if you're not careful, you can't tell which was which. From our much later point of view, we can no longer tell the difference between the casually but deliberately rough-and-tumble Nanchatte-kuns and the seriously rough-and-tumble properties. The problem may be that they belong to me. Therefore, I think that a historiography of artefacts rather than natural objects is certainly significant. I think it is important to keep sounding the alarm about what should be made and how it should be made. The work of classification and analysis is also needed today, as it is directly related to the creation of the object.
4-2)My Rare Sympathies with Mishima /珍しく三島に共感した
The following description is found in Mishima's novel, which I was just reading for the interview.
[Everyone's wintering was real, - only my wintering, maybe, was fake], (p. 201, sinking waterfall).
The protagonist worked with other employees on a severe wintering at the site ≈ dam site where the dam was being built for six months. During that time, he was warming his pockets due to the management, and his words mention that his motive for volunteering to winterize was a made-up one. A few lines later, he also said that he was ‘deliberate’ compared to his grandfather. I interpreted this as the protagonist's criticism of his own fictitious motives in comparison to the people of the city, who are moving right and left with ‘real reasons’, but it was also Mishima's own ‘confession’.
If I may include my extended interpretation, namely that everything novelists do is fake and that I want to act with ‘real’ feelings and reasons, just like everyone else in the city. This in itself is self-consciousness, but it sounds as if I became aware of the occupational disease part of myself that could not be fulfilled and fell into a state of helplessness. The blade was also pointed at him/herself, the creator, and they must have been stuck in a state of self-contradiction, unable to take a step forward.
In the middle of this kind of cosmetic-free (un-)/nature, and in the face of a cosmetic-free dam, someone's (their own) clever talent, cloaked in intention, must have been deliberately unbearable to see. I felt as if I could share such an unbearable feeling with Mishima, which was rare for me, as we seemed to share the same feelings over time.
[みんなの越冬は本物だった、~俺の越冬だけが、もしかすると、偽物だった~], (P201,沈める滝)
5. REF
Mishima,Y.(1955), Shizumeru-Taki (沈める滝), Shincho-bunko,Tokyo, Japan
Torigoe,K.(鳥越干城),(2018).Unexplored region with heavy snowfall; Okutadami Story(豪雪の秘境;奥只見物語), 奥只見電力館
Torigoe,K.(鳥越干城),(2018). 'Sunken waterfall' and Okutadami Dam (「沈める滝」と奥只見ダム), 奥只見電力館
Tsuji,Y.(2020),Antonin and Raymond in the Allied Occupation:The Japanese Household Objects Exhibition as Cultural Diplomacy,文化資源学18号,Japan
Iso,T.et.al.(2023),Brutalist Architecture in Japan, ISBN978-4-908406-90-4,Two Virgins, Tokyo,Japan
J-power.(2022), Koide Power Station Brochure (小出電力所), J-power(電源開発株式会社), Nigata, Japan
Uffelen,C,V (2018), Brutalism Now and Then, GmbH,Berlin, Germany
The Architectural Review.(1954),School at Hunstanton; Sep1,1954;116;693; Art and Architecture Archive pg148
The Architects' Journal.(1953) Secondary School at Hunstanton, The Architects' Journal, 10Sep1953, 118, 3054, pg323
Riesman,D. (1950). The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character, Yale University Press. U.S.